
News Anchor Cherry Maning - Bid Farewell to GMA Testigo Davao

As GMA Testigo will be replaced with "24 Oras Southern Mindanao" soon, news anchor Cherry Maning formally ends her contract with the Kapuso network today.

Hi guys! I will still be on GMA TESTIGO until tomorrow. Then, I will forever be on vacation starting Saturday see ya when I see ya...
She posted in her facebook account last Wednesday.

In the last airing of Testigo, Tek Ocampo revealed that his co-host Cherry decided to leave to focus on her business and personal plans.

At the end of the episode Cherry express her gratitude towards GMA and also all her supporters.

She'd started in UNA KA BAI morning segment of GMA Davao and due to her talent she became part of Testigo in a year.

Cherry Maning is the Sinag ng Dabaw 2010, Darling of the Press, Best in Talent, Web Surfers' Choice, Ms. Photogenic. She's also a blogger and business woman in Davao City.

Latest Post : Cherry Maning Joined Kapamilya Network